01743 741554
To provide a stimulating, nurturing & supportive environment & aspirational framework for our children and families
Little Pixies Nursery
Fees & Admissions
If you would like to consider Little Pixies Nursery as a place for your child, we would ask that you call us and make an appointment to come and look around.
Our fees are fully inclusive of all snacks, whole milk, formula milk, any alternative milks if required, a freshly cooked main meal and tea (for full day sessions), we also include nappies and wipes.
We offer FREE settling in sessions for your child before they start nursery life. We believe it’s extremely important for a child to feel safe and secure in the nursery environment before starting permanent sessions at Little Pixies Nursery.
What to expect from your child’s settling in sessions:
We’ll start to build relationships with you and your child
You’ll be able to meet our team and your child’s ‘key person’
We’ll be able to find out your child’s likes and dislikes
And what your child’s routine is at home, and any specific requirements you may have such as sleeps, meals and comforters
Our aim is that you and your child feel completely happy before you start permanent sessions with us.
To book a place at Little Pixies Nursery and to start your free settling in sessions, all we ask for is a completed application pack and £100 admin fee. The minimum number of sessions your child can be booked into the Nursery for, is 2 sessions per week
(one session equals either a morning or afternoon half day session).
Funding options are available to assist families with childcare costs, please use this link for further information.
If you have any further questions please do not hesitate to contact us.
Link to website www.childcarechoices.gov.uk